Monday, October 27, 2014

bellringer 10/27/14

They should pursue the death penalty for the previously mentioned man. The man had abandoned the sinking ship leaving the passengers behind without sufficient warning.

I am in complete agreement with the death penalty, and think it should be used more often for such cases. After all, what he did was essentially murder to those who would have otherwise been saved. And in my opinion, i believe that the person who committed the crime should suffer as those who were included in that crime.

Friday, October 17, 2014

presidential report card

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: ______________________________ Theodore Roosevelt
Number of Presidency: ____________________________ 26th 
Years in Office: __________________________________ 1901-1909
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
Roosevelt organized a volunteer cavalry known as the Rough Riders which he led San Juan Hill in the Battle of San Juan Heights in 1898. After the battle he was nominated for the Medal of Honor
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
He was able to work with them to create his foreign policy and other misc. projects.
Character and Integrity
He was known to have a strong sense of right and wrong, on one occasion he fired a cowboy on the spot for branding another mans cattle.
Theodore Roosevelt spent four years in Harvard where he got magna cum laude, an academic level of distinction used by educational institutions to signify an academic degree which was received "with great honor".
He was one of the people, quite literally. During a small break from politics, he went west and started the life of a cowboy. 
Foreign Policy
He is best known for his foreign policy.
Relates to the common man
He left to go west and spent his life as a cowboy working hard.
Theodore Roosevelt had been in politics for a long time before his presidency, and along with his years of work with the cowboys, he became quite adept.
Political Experience
Before coming into office Theodore Roosevelt was governor of New York.
Public speaking & Communication
During his life, Roosevelt became a leader on multiple occasions. From his earlier political career and his group of cowboys he lead.

Monday, October 13, 2014

bellringer 10/13/14

1) this does not surprise me at all.
2) if used correctly and/or carefully yes, otherwise no.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

bellringer 10/9/14

1) that region must have a bit a extra money left around and/or a lot of free time.
2) i think that i wouldn't eat it. that is because of the fact that i would not pay that much for a HAMBURGER. but if it was given to me i would then resell it since i have no interest in a sandwich that 'rich'

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

bellringer 10/1/14

1) he should not have been charged
2) it deals with the first amendment freedom of religion
3) i don't know.