Friday, August 22, 2014

Assignment 8/22/2014

There are several problems in the United States. Multiple problems however can be solved via simple means. The first would be police brutality, the second is the unemployment rates, and the last is racism.

The problem with the police using excessive violence can be as much trouble as we make make it out to be. The problem can be solved with additional training and discipline when it come to handling situation. However that will not fix the problem entirely since all cases may not be to the fault of the officer.

The second problem I stated was the unemployment is not as simple to solve as many others. Unemployment, however, can be reduced by people getting proper education or matching the criteria of the job, and the employer monitoring the current workers and letting go of anyone who either doesn't meet criteria or don't work as they should. The newly unemployed from the previous sentence would then be given new training if so needed, or find a better fitting job.

The problem with racism will never truly end. However we are capable of reducing the amount of events in which racism is involved in. All forms of racism should be openly addressed to children and other individuals the importance of how we together as a country need to work together to achieve a state of prosperity that will allow the country to thrive.

These are the problems I think are important to address. I have listed my naive opinion of how to solve these problems. I believe that the problems can be solved but I myself cannot solve them due to my lack of knowledge.

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